Get In The Top 7 Pages of Amazon with These Keywords!

This strategy is an underrated part of Helium 10’s Amazon keyword research tool, Cerebro, that not enough sellers utilize. The premise is simple. We are finding keywords where there are only 306 or fewer competitors. If we find those, then naturally, once we get indexed for those keywords, we’ll be in the top seven pages. Easy enough, right?
Let’s walk through exactly how to do that. In this example, we’ll be doing a multi-ASIN search of 10 different competitors within the rubber duck bath toy niche. Remember, whenever you do something new, always clear your filters. Initially, it gave us 16,000 keywords. We need to whittle that down a bit. So, let’s use a search volume minimum of 300 and a max of 306 for the Competing Products Filter.

Once I apply these filters, it will show me 679 filtered keywords. Now, this is out of 16,000 keywords. Still, we aren’t going to look at over 600 keywords, so if I want to utilize meaningful keywords, I’ll have to go and use the advanced rank filters and organic rank filters. I’ll put a range of 1 to 75, with at least four competitors ranked within that range. Let’s see if this narrows it down.
Okay, now it’s at 47. Keep in mind that the specific figures I’m utilizing in these filters are arbitrary, with the primary goal of getting this list to a size I can manage. For others, the filters might be narrow or wider. It’s all dependent on your niche of products.

Now that we are at 47 keywords let’s look at an example of a keyword we might consider putting into our listing to get indexed.

“Tubbz Duck.” This keyword appears to be a competitor brand name which we know that you cannot put competitor brand names into your listing, but you can still get indexed by doing some PPC behind this keyword. Imagine, though, if it were not a brand name, this would be easy to get indexed for if you put it in either the back end or front end of your listing!
Obviously, this is not a primary keyword for a rubber duck bath toy but look here. The last time Helium 10 checked, there were only about 76 listings that even showed up in the results. If I was indexed, if I had “Tubbz Duck” and I was indexed for it, I would be already on page two. Let’s look at Amazon to see how many search results there are.

This number varies depending on what zip code you’re in or what kind of browser you’re using, but it’s spot on with what Helium 10 said it was at 76 results. You can see instantly which keywords you don’t have to do anything with, and you can just put the word in your listing, and you’re going to be ranked in the top seven pages.
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