4 Quick Seller Tips To Get The Upper Hand On Prime Day 2022

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Prime Day is upon us! Here are some quick snippets of helpful information to act on so you can get a big step up on the competition and leverage the massive influx of traffic we’re bound to see!
1. Calm Down, You Got This
There is such a thing as information overload!
With loads of blogs, articles, newsletters, videos, and more, all about how to maximize your sales and presence on Amazon during Prime Day… everything can quickly become overwhelming. Don’t let it get to you! Instead of consolidating the information from the 17 sources of information you follow, stick with your top three and take action! It’s all about finding your sweet spot between being able to take in information and take action.
Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis. You got this!
2. Use Your Community
Every product on Amazon serves some kind of function or purpose. Determine your product’s primary function and purpose, and seek out communities on the internet surrounding it!
For example, we have Manny’s Mysterious Oddities Coffin Shelf that we all know and love. Sales blow up around Halloween, and some of our top keywords are centered around the word “Goth”! Let’s peruse the internet and see what communities we can find!

We found a subreddit of over 137,000 members that would probably love our Manny’s Mysterious Oddities Coffin Shelf!

A group of 71,000 members that believe in celebrating Halloween forever? It sounds like they would love our coffin shelves!
Of course, we don’t want to be spammy and say, “Hey, buy my product!” but you can be curious and ask your community what they think about the product or introduce it to the community and show it off! You’re bound to get some engagement and at least a few people asking where you got it. That’s when the real fun begins because everybody is looking for a great deal on Prime Day!
3. Product Label Hack
This tip may not apply to all products, but if you have a product where it would make sense to have a label on the front, you can design and place a mock/digital graphic (or text) on your main hero image. This way your new “label” appears on all hero image search results and ads during Prime Day! For example, take a look at this product below.

They have placed not only the brand of their product on this “mock product label,” but also their top keyword, “Extra Large Cutting Boards,” as well as all the other color options within their product variations!
This is not too time-intensive and is bound to get you additional clicks during Prime Day if implemented neatly!
4. Harness the Power of Top Secret Reports
This strategy may not apply to everyone, but if you are a brand owner or private label seller, reach out to your Amazon Account Representative! Usually, they reach out via email to see if they can assist you with your ads, and while some sellers treat those messages like spam, these reps can be a treasure trove of information!
You can reach out to your Amazon Account Representative and ask for them to run a comparison report.
A comparison report is a report pulled from Amazon directly that only Amazon reps can access. It provides anonymized data metrics pulled from your top competitors and compares your own metrics against that. This is a great way to see where you are pulling ahead and falling short against the competition. Utilize this information to see where your advertising focuses need to be during this Prime Day to gain the upper hand on your competition!
Implementing just one of these four tips will get you in a better place than before and allow you to feel better about your business during this upcoming Prime Day season. Best of luck out there!
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