What is BSR (Best Sellers Rank) on Amazon?


BSR is calculated based on the number of sales of a given product on an hourly basis, as well as current and historical sales as well. BSR isn’t influenced by the product reviews or rating; it’s solely looking at sales rate. It essentially tells you how your product ranks compared to other products within the same Amazon product category.

The Best Sellers Rank can be easily found on any product page within the “Product Details” section (hold down CTRL + F in your browser and search for “Best Sellers Rank”). You can also find it by using Helium 10’s free Chrome Extension.

You can go to the Amazon Best Sellers page where you’ll be able to quickly find the most popular items on the website, and filter by category.

Amazon Best Sellers Rank is updated hourly for the top 10,000 products in a given category, daily for products ranking between 10,000 and 100,000, and monthly for products ranking over 100,000.

Generally speaking, a good BSR is somewhere between 1-10,000. With that said, a good BSR is dependent on the number of products in a given category, and whether you’re in the top .5%, 1%, 3%, etc. of that category. Some product categories are in much higher demand, meaning you could have a product with a 1,000 BSR in two categories and they would have very different daily sales numbers.